Is it possible to open the Web Viewer in a new window in Web
Editor Navigator?
In order to have the Web Viewer open in a separate window in Web
Eidotr/Navigator select the object so that its Profile Card is displayed.
Click the Print button so that it opens the Profile Card in a
separate window.
Scroll over all the way to the right.
At the very top right in the new window there are a couple tabs.
The second one is the Viewer tab.
Back in SMARTEAM V5 R13 - R16 they had a link on the Profile Card
to open the Viewer in a new window.
And then in R17 they had a button to open the Profile Card in a
new window and then separate tabs for the Profile Card and Viewer.
And in R18 they redesigned it to the way it is now.
published a QA Article in the Dassault Knowledge Base for this: Dassault QA
Article #: QA00000006432