to Migrate V4 files to Catia V5
1 - Copy Past
This is a quick way of converting files from
.model to .CATPart. This method is handy for quickly converting one or two
.model files. If a group of files are needed to be migrated, use Method 2
described method 2.
Follow these steps:
1. Open the .model CATIA
V4 file in CATIA V5.
2. Right click on "MASTER" in
the specification tree and select Copy.
3. Open a New Part (File–> New –> Part).
4. Right click on "Part1" in the specification
tree and choose Paste Special… option.
5. Now CATIA V5 gives you two options of pasting
the copied V4 data – Paste as CATIA_SPEC and Paste as CATIA_RESULT.
CATIA_SPEC: This option converts CATIA V4 data
to CATIA V5 data keeping history as much as possible.
This applies to parts modeled using basic
features like Pad, Pocket etc,. All other not compatible features will be
pasted as dumb features.
CATIA_RESULT: This option converts the entire V4
data to V5 dumb data. No history will be present.
For a complicated model both the options will
give the same result.
2 - Batch Utility Process
Another method suitable for performing batch
migration from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5 is using Batch Utility Process.
1. Go to Tools–> Utility…
2. In the Batch Monitor Window, double click on
3. Click on Browse button and multi-select all
the CATIA V4 models which needs to be migrated to V5.
4. Click on Options button.
5. In the Batch Options window, select the
Migration Batch tab.
Here you can specify the format of conversion.
"As SPEC" is same as pasting as
"CATIA_SPEC" (Discussed above).
"As RESULT" is same as pasting
as "CATIA_RESULT" (Discussed above).
6. After setting the desired parameters, click
7. Now specify ‘Target Directory’…
This will be the folder where CATIA will save all the migrated data.
8. Make sure the "Migrate" radio
button is clicked ->Click "Run".
Wait for the process to complete. After the
process is completed, all your CATIA V4 data will be migrated to V5 format.