How do you perform a silent installation for HotFixes for SMARTEAM?

How do you perform a silent installation for HotFixes for SMARTEAM?

How do you perform a silent installation for HotFixes for SMARTEAM?

Extract the contents of the HotFix executable and then run the setup.exe at a command prompt with the following syntax:

<path_to_extracted_hotfixf>\setup.exe QuietMode ForceReboot

Please see the following QA Articles in the Dassault Knowledge Base:

Dassault QA Article #: QA00000005979

Dassault QA Arricle #: QA00000006444


You can also use msiexec to call the .msp file and use the /quiet switch:

msiexec.exe /p "<path to msp file>" /quiet


msiexec.exe /p "\\server\V5R20SP5HF5\SMARTEAM - Editor\SMARTEAM - Editor V5R20 SP5 HF5.msp" /quiet

msiexec.exe /p "\\server\V5R20SP5HF5\SMARTEAM - Foundation\SMARTEAM - Foundation V5R20 SP5 HF5.msp" /quiet