How can you change the location of the avx.ini file that is used for the SmarTeam Viewer?

How can you change the location of the avx.ini file that is used for the SmarTeam Viewer?

How can you change the location of the avx.ini file that is used for the SmarTeam Viewer?



The avx.ini file is stored in the C:\WINDOWS directory and that is where the SmarTeam Viewer stores all its settings.


If you don't want the avx.ini file to be stored in the C:\WINDOWS directory on the client systems then you can change the location with an environmanet variable in Windows.




Copy the avx.ini file from the C:\WINDOWS directory to a location where the user can read/write and then create that environment variable in Windows and set the value to the full path and name of the avx.ini file.


Please see Dassault QA Article #: QA00000001437