Error No 00050 appears when trying to Initiate a new Flow Process in SMARTEAM.

Error No 00050 appears when trying to Initiate a new Flow Process in SMARTEAM.

Error No 00050 appears when trying to Initiate a new Flow Process in SMARTEAM.

Error No: 00050
The link between objects 'Start' and '<user>' already exists in the system.

In order to correct this issue first have everyone log out of SMARTEAM.

Then make a backup of the database.

Then go into the <SMARTEAM>\Bin directory on the server and run the SmartDbRepairing.exe file.

Login with a user that has Administrative Functions in SMARTEAM.

With the SmartDbRepairing tool open, select Actions > Fix Last Object IDs > Yes and let it run.

After the SmartDbRepairing tool has finished running, see if the issue has been resolved.

If the issue still occurs then run Data Model Designer on the database.

Launch Data Model Designer and then click File > Modify Database Structure and then just click Create and let it go through.

It also would be a good idea to stop and restart all of the service for SmarTeam and Oracle or MS SQL or perform a reboot on the Foundation and database server.