Server Window' error when exiting SMARTEAM - Editor after applying the latest
.NET Framework updates.
This issue has been resolved completely with SP5
for SMARTEAM V5 R20.
They also have released HotFixes to correct this
issue for R19 SP1 - SP9 and R20 GA - SP4.
On older releases of SMARTEAM check to see if KB976576 exists in Add or Remove
Programs and remove it if it does.
Go into Add or Remove Programs and click 'Show
updates' at the top.
KB976576 should exist under Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2
This issue can also occur if .NET Framework 4
has been installed on the system.
Simply removing that update does not seem to resolve the issue.
Following these steps may resolve the issue if .NET Framework 4 has been
installed on the system:
- Remove all versions of .NET Framework from Add or Remove Programs
- Delete the 'Microsoft.NET' folder from 'C:\WINDOWS'
- Re-install the version of .NET that is used with the release of SMARTEAM that
is installed
(from the SMARTEAM - Editor installation cd go into the 'Data\dotNET Framework
installations' folder and install it from there)